Peter Vamplew

Peter Vamplew
School of Engineering, Information Technology and Physical Sciences
Federation University

Multiobjective Approaches to Human-Aligned Reinforcement Learning
11.00 CEST

Cornelius Weber

Cornelius Weber
Knowledge Technology Institute
Universitat Hamburg

Hybrid Neural Learning for Interactive Robots
11.30 CEST

Jens Kober

Jens Kober
Cognitive Robotics Dept
Delft University of Technology

Reinforcement Learning with Interactive Corrections
12.30 CEST

Richard Dazeley

Richard Dazeley
Machine Intelligence Lab
Deakin University

Broad-XAI: Human-aligned conversational explanations
13.30 CEST

Bruno Fernandes

Bruno Fernandes
Computer Engineering Dept
University of Pernambuco

Reinforcement Learning for Robot Control and Interaction
14.30 CEST

Matthew Taylor

Matthew Taylor
Intelligent Robot Learning Laboratory
University of Alberta

Agents learning from humans -- what the heck do you want me to do?
15.00 CEST

George Konidaris

George Konidaris
Intelligent Robot Lab
Brown University

Grounded Symbolic Representations for Human-Robot Communication
16.00 CEST

W. Bradley Knox

W. Bradley Knox
Robert Bosch LLC, Austin, Texas

Reward (Mis)design for Autonomous Driving
16.30 CEST

Felipe Leno da Silva

Felipe Leno da Silva
Lawrence Livermore National Lab

Action Advising for Accelerating Multiagent Reinforcement Learning
17.30 CEST